Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kurang Tidur Berefek Mematikan — Tidur terlalu larut bisa menjadi menjadi bom waktu bagi kesehatan dan berakibat mematikan karena berisiko serangan jantung dan stroke. Demikian kesimpulan hasil penelitian yang menganalisis data lebih dari 470.000 orang di delapan negara.

"Jika tidur kurang dari 6 jam setiap malam dan sering mengalami gangguan tidur, Anda berisiko 48 persen terkena serangan jantung mematikan dan 15 persen terkena stroke," kata Dr Francesco Cappucino dari Warwick Medical School, Inggris.

Dalam siaran persnya, para peneliti mengungkapkan kurang tidur yang kronis atau sudah berlangsung lama akan menyebabkan tubuh memproduksi hormon dan zat kimia tertentu yang akan meningkatkan risiko terbentuknya penyakit jantung dan stroke, tekanan darah tinggi dan kolesterol, serta diabetes dan obesitas.

"Tantangan untuk menyeimbangkan pekerjaan dan kehidupan pribadi membuat kebanyakan orang mengorbankan waktu tidurnya. Padahal dengan melakukan hal tersebut, kita membahayakan kesehatan karena meningkatkan risiko stroke atau penyakit jantung," kata Cappuccio dalam riset yang dipublikasikan di European Heart Journal.

Tidur selama tujuh jam setiap malam disebutkan akan melindungi kesehatan dan mengurangi risiko penyakit kronis.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Maskapai Ini Rekrut Waria sebagai Pramugari

Untuk menarik perhatian calon penumpang, umumnya maskapai penerbangan akan meningkatkan pelayanan. Namun, satu maskapai yang akan melakukan penerbangan perdana asal Thailand ini punya daya tarik unik menarik calon penumpang. Apakah itu?

Ternyata, pramugari yang akan melayani perusahaan penerbangan PC Air bukanlah seorang wanita, tetapi wanita transeksual atau waria. Perusahaan penerbangan PC Air telah merekrut tiga perempuan transgender sebagai langkah awal rintisan penerbangan mereka. Cara ini sebagai upaya mempromosikan operator penerbangan mereka dan 'seks ketiga' di negara gajah putih.

Peter Chan, bos perusahaan sangat antusias terhadap inovasi pramugari transeksual. "Saya pikir orang-orang ini dapat mencapai karier yang baik, bukan hanya di bisnis hiburan. Banyak juga mereka yang bercita-cita menjadi pramugari." katanya dikutip Telegraph. Chan beralasan, masyarakat yang telah berubah menjadikan idenya akan diikuti operator lain.

Salah satu calon pramugari adalah pemenang Miss Tiffany, kontes kecantikan transeksual di Thailand 2007 silam, Thanyarat Jiraphatpakorn.

"Pada awalnya saya pikir mereka mengontrak kami untuk iklan dan tidak benar-benar merekrut kami seperti yang terjadi di tempat-tempat lain sebelumnya," ujar ratu kecantikan, 23. Ia mengaku merasa senang terpilih sebagai salah satu pramugari di PC Air.

Thailand memiliki "katoey" atau komunitas transeksual terbesar di dunia. Bedah transeksual di negara ini lebih murah dan cepat. Permintaan bedah kecantikan dari pria menjadi wanita dengan mudah ditemui di Thailand.

Maskapai PC Air menyatakan tidak mengedepankan bukti operasi sebagai kriteria pramugarinya. Pelamar dengan keterampilan bahasa dan potensi yang baik akan diprioritaskan. Tahap awal perusahaan akan merekrut 100 orang katoey. Perusahaan juga merekrut 17 pria dan 10 wanita sebagai staf.

Para pramugari transeksual akan mengenakan khusus berwarna emas bertulis 'jenis kelamin ketiga' pada lencana mereka. Gunanya agar memudahkan staf imigrasi dan penumpang mengindetifikasi identitas mereka.

Kembar Identik Beda Warna Kulit

Anak kembar Richardson adalah pasangan kembar identik. Layton dan Kaydon berasal dari satu sel telur dan sperma. Anehnya, kedua balita ini memiliki warna kulit berbeda. Layton berkulit putih sedangkan saudara kembarnya, Kaydon, berkulit hitam.

Keduanya lahir pada 2006 dari seorang ibu keturunan Nigeria dan ayah berkulit putih. Saat melahirkan, anak pertama yang keluar dari rahim Kerry seorang anak laki-laki dan berkulit putih. Beberapa menit kemudian ia kembali melahirkan seorang bayi laki-laki berkulit hitam.

Menurut dokter, bayi kembar identik berbeda warna kulit seperti bayi Richardson sangat langka. Peluangnya sekitar satu dalam sejuta kelahiran. Setelah si kembar, keluarga ini memiliki bayi perempuan lain, Tiyannah, yang berkulit putih.

"Sebelum si kembar lahir, saya mengira semua anak saya akan memiliki warna kulit saya," kata sang ibu kepada Daily Mail. "Tapi setelah Layton, saya tak yakin lagi," katanya seperti dikutip Daily Mail.

Sang ibu merasa khawatir penampilan anak-anaknya mempengaruhi saat mereka beranjak besar dan harus masuk sekolah. Kerry membeberkan telah memberitahu Layton soal perbedaan warna kulit dengan saudara kembarnya.

Di Inggris, ditemukan pula orangtua berkulit hitam dengan anak yang memiliki kulit putih, bermata biru dan berambut pirang. Dokter menyebut anak pasangan Ben dan Angela Ihegboro, bayi Nmachi tidak mengidap albino namun kejadian medis yang sangat langka.

"Dia adalah anak saya. Dia adalah seorang bayi cantik, bayi keajaiban," ujar sang ayah yang berbahagia.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Evolusi BlackBerry

Ada orang yang baru punya BlackBerry. Setiap saat setiap waktu selalu BBM-an (ngising wae yo digowo :)) ).

Bukannya mau curhat soal orang yang jadi autis gara-gara sindrom-baru-punya-BB. Tapi tahukah kamu sejarah awalnya BB? Kenapa bisa secanggih itu? Koq bisa punya jaringan komunikasi sendiri?

pager generasi pertama tipe 850

hape generasi awal tipe 8100

awal generasi canggih BlackBerry Bold

Kalo mau tau ceritanya baca aja di Wikipedia :D

100% Original

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blogger Features

We created Blogger to give you an easy way to share your thoughts — about current events, what's going on in your life, or anything else you'd care to discuss — with the world. We've developed a host of features to make blogging as simple and effective as possible.

Getting Started | More Features | Advanced Features

Getting Started
New! Customize your design
The Blogger Template Designer offers many templates, making it simple for you to create a professional-looking blog. In addition, the Template Designer lets you customize your template. Choose from hundreds of background images, tens of flexible layouts, and rearrange widgets through a drag and drop interface. Add gadgets such as slideshows, user polls, or even AdSense ads. Changing fonts and colors is easy too. And if that’s not enough control, you can even edit your blog’s CSS and HTML.
Publishing your voice is easy and free
Creating your blog with Blogger takes just a few easy steps. In a matter of minutes you can start posting text, photos, videos, and more to your blog. Post as often as you want; it's free. Check out this article on How to get started or watch the How to create a blog with Blogger video.
Simple-to-use interface
Follow a few basic steps to start posting to your blog. Our simple-to-use interface lets you change fonts, bold or italicize your text, adjust text color and alignment, and more. As you compose each new blog post, Blogger saves it automatically, without interrupting your typing. There's also an easy-to-use spell-check feature and a simple way to add labels to your posts. In addition, Blogger includes an HTML editor that lets you fully customize the look and feel of your posts.
Your free website
When you create your blog, you can host it for free on Blog*Spot. Just choose an available URL and you're ready to go. If you change your mind and want a different URL later, making the change is easy. Blogger also includes a custom domain option; you can have a domain name, like, and we'll still host your blog there, giving you all of Blogger's great features.
Add photos and videos to your post
You can easily add a photo to your blog post by clicking on the image icon in the post editor toolbar. Your photos are then hosted in your free Picasa Web Albums account, where you can order prints and organize photos into albums. Adding a video to your post is just as easy; just click on the film-strip icon on the post editor toolbar to get started. Videos uploaded through Blogger are hosted on Google Video.
More Features
New! Earn money
With Blogger, you can earn money just by posting high quality original content on your favorite topics. Blogger has a dedicated Monetize tab that allows you to easily place AdSense ads on your blog. Also, through Blogger’s Amazon Associates program, you can search Amazon’s product catalog and add links to products you recommend that earn you commission when your readers buy these products.
Develop your community
Let your readers follow your blog by adding the Followers gadget to your layout. With this gadget, your readers can click the "Follow This Blog" link to add your blog to their Blogger Dashboard and Google Reader account. They also have the option to add their image and profile to your blog to tell the world that they're a fan.
Feedback from your readers
It's easy for readers to leave comments on any of your blog posts, giving you useful, timely feedback. They can leave comments right below the post, in a pop-up window, or on a separate page. You can also use Reactions to let your readers quickly provide feedback with just one click.
New post notifications
Your readers can choose to subscribe to your blog's feeds, so they're notified whenever you publish a new blog post. You can also customize what's shared in your blog's feed, and set up your blog to email new posts automatically to specific email addresses or mailing lists.
One simple ID
Because you can login to Blogger with your Google Account — which also gives you access to Gmail, iGoogle, orkut, etc. — you have one less username and password to remember. Your blog's address can also be used as an OpenID to give you a single digital identity across the web. Since your blog can accept comments from OpenID users in addition to registered Blogger members, it'll be easier for all your readers to leave feedback and participate in your conversations.
Languages of the world
Blogger is currently available in 41 languages including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian speakers can use Blogger with Right-to-Left display and formatting. And transliteration is available for five Indic languages.
Advanced Features
New! Pages
With Blogger’s Pages feature, you can create new pages that are linked from your blog. For example, you can create an “About This Blog” or a “Contact Me” page, in a similar way you write a new blog post, and provide links to those pages as tabs at the top of your blog or in the sidebar.
Posting on the go
Blogger has many additional ways for you to post to your blog. You can post to your blog from your mobile phone or through a secret Mail-to-Blogger email address. Or use the Blogger Post Gadget to edit and publish posts directly from your custom iGoogle homepage. With these options, it's easy to post to your blog whenever you want, from wherever you may be.
Group blogging
With Blogger, it's easy to create a team blog, allowing multiple bloggers to contribute to a single blog. You select which team members have administrative authority and those who are just authors. You can also choose to make your blog private and restrict who can view it. This puts you in full control of your blog.
Third-party applications
You can choose among a host of third-party applications that integrate with Blogger to make it even easier for you to blog. Be sure to check out if you're a developer and want to create your own great app.
Even more features...
We're constantly developing new features for Blogger; check out Blogger Buzz to stay on top of all the latest additions and changes. If you want to try some of our experimental features, check out Blogger in draft. And if you need more information about any of Blogger's features, be sure to visit the Blogger Help site or discussion group. To see what others are posting, check out Blogs of Note. We hope you like what we've created.


"Waiting for Sound System to respond..."

Hello guys. I'm having a nasty problem with the Sound Menu on my Ubuntu 10.10 Installation. What happens is that the sound control icon is blocked, and i can't control the master volume. If i try to get to the Sound Preferences i get a little Pop-Up Window saying: "Waiting for Sound System to respond...". Don't know what to do... Apart of that, sound works great.Thanks a lot ;)PS: I made 2 screenshot uploads. Hope it helps.

alt text

Your pulseaudio daemon isn't running. Try to do pulseaudio --start from a terminal and see what happens